Big Data Lecturer at the Weizmann Institute, Israel
Course for graduate students on Big Data and Machine Learning, Fall 2019.Lead Instructor for TAVtech
An annual five weeks full-time Data Science bootcamp for undergraduate science majors from top US universities.Instruction topics: Big Data Platforms: Hadoop, Pig, Hive Spark, Graph Databases, Visualizations, Cloud Technologies, 2016 - present.
Senior Big Data Scientist at Redis Labs
CTO Office, Redis Labs Tel-Aviv, 2016 - 2019Lecturer at the School of Computer Science at IDC, Herzeliya
Designed and instructed a new semestrial course on Databases and Big Data Platforms.The course was given to advanced BSc students and MSc students, 2017-18
Visiting Research Scholar at the University of California Irvine
Optimized the performance of Apache AsterixDB 2013-2015Software Engineer at Dell EMC
Working on database optimization of Pivotal products with the research team.Corporate specialized in storage, 2012.
Software Engineer at HPCC Systems
Working on the optimization of HPCC Systems , 2011.Big Data and Data Analysis organization. Worldwide largest database of legal documents
Software Engineer at Intel
Working with the research and development group of Intel Jerusalem, 2007-10.Development of AMT (Active Management Technology), vPro provisioning services